Have Fun With Your Orthodontic Treatment

Collect Honis to win prizes here at Hamer & Glassick Orthodontics.

Earn Hamer Honis by participating in Theme Weeks, Contests and by reciting the Saying-of-the-Month at your appointments.

Theme Weeks

Our staff dresses up for theme weeks and patients are encouraged to participate!

  • Wear your Hamer & Glassick t-shirt and receive one Hamer Honi.
  • Dress up for theme week and earn three Honis.

Scheduling your appointments during theme weeks is subject to availability.



Contests take place throughout the year and are a great way to earn Honis. See below for more info.


Saying of the month

Memorize the saying of the month and recite it to one of our team members when you are in the office for your appointment.

Contest Schedule

Contest (January 1-31)

Find the Snowflakes


Saying of the Month

You can’t live a positive life with a negative mind.